In a world where quick is king, being thoughtful — truly thoughtful — is often a forgotten art. So all throughout February we’ll be focusing our efforts on being thoughtful--thoughtful about our work and our processes, thoughtful toward others and ourselves.
We’ll also focus on the power of thought, something we’re big on here at Aisle Planner. It is what founded this business, what brings the events we work so hard to plan to fruition and what helps us get through those days when a glass of vino simply won’t do the trick. We love today’s wallpaper download because it reminds us of the power of thought--specifically, purposeful focused thought.
As planners, in order to do our jobs well, we often have to make the best of the worst (read: setting up a dancefloor in a hailstorm). Thought--and how we choose to use it — has the power to take a situation from an insurmountable challenge to an unprecedented opportunity. From How in the world am I supposed to handle this? to I can’t wait to tackle it.
With this in mind, we challenge you to join us this month as we think ourselves silly. Remind yourself of the power of thought (and of being thoughtful) every single day this month. We’ll have tips, tricks and suggestions for you all along the way. Cheers to making this year your most thoughtful year yet!